KernSafe > White Papers > iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability iSCSI SAN for Windows Server 2012 & Hyper-V Clustering
iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability...

iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability iSCSI SAN for Windows Server 2012 & Hyper-V Clustering

iSCSI in High Availability  

This white paper is showing how to set up a High-Available platform including Hyper-V Clustering with iStorage Server on Windows Server 2012. Newest version of server based Windows operating system - Server 2012 comes with many great features, where some of them are updated versions from Server 2012. Hyper-V is one of the best features available in that system. It allows to utilize virtualization on your server, therefore enabling you to use all your available resources.

Creating High-Available platform using iStorage Server can change any companies server experience by greatly reducing any downtime you may expecting. It's main goal is when a HA cluster discovers there is a problem with one of nodes, it will automatically try to reset that node and use another node for all operations preventing any downtime.

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