KernSafe > Press Release > KernSafe releases new version of iFlyDisk 2.01 Lite Edition
KernSafe releases new version of iFly...

KernSafe releases new version of iFlyDisk 2.01 Lite Edition

KernSafe releases new version of iFlyDisk 2.01 Lite Edition

First time release of iFlyDisk 2.01 Lite

January, Monday 16th, 2012 - KernSafe Technologies Inc., A world leader in security storage and iSCSI solutions, announced today release of iFlyDisk 2.0 Lite edition. This version holds all update that came with 2.0, that is updates to virtual write and adding new features such as creating a sparse file, force unmount or ability to create an unformatted image but it differs with maximum connection of 40 clients at the same time and maximum target capacity of 2TB.

Virtual write feature in iFlyDisk has been very successful among ours OEM customers. Thanks to it they can use iFlyDisk whenever user needs to save some temporary data on disk but he can’t do it directly on mounted drive due to limited access rights. In this case virtual write is a perfect example on how it can benefit in that environment. Now iFlyDisk have new functions - after mounting drive that was exported from server, user can now choose if he want to save temporary data or not. That is very useful if later on user want to connect to that drive and still be able to access same data he previously saved there.

Next feature that was updated is virtual write speed. Now user can save virtual data even faster than before, resulting in better user experience. Next thing that was improved in this release from client side is ability to force unmount the drive. After mounting drive user will most likely have only read rights to that drive, therefore even if he will force unmount it, there won’t be any data corruption. Till this point it was difficult for users to unmount drive that was used, for example by antivirus software. Now such problem doesn’t exist anymore and now user control when it will be unmounted.

This is first time release of iFlyDisk Lite edition. In this version we limited clients to 40 at the same time. It is due to our clients were looking for solution that is very affordable and can be used in a medium sized network environment. Except for that change, everything that was making iFlyDisk Ultimate Edition leader for what it is – is still there. We are always putting our customers at first place and will always try to fit their needs.” – said Aldrich CEO of KernSafe Technologies.

There were also some improvements on server side. When now prices of new hard drives are getting higher and higher, we added new function to create sparse file. Thanks to it, user will be able to save much of unused space since actual size of that image file depends only on its content. For example user can create 100GB image file, but in reality it can take as little as 10MB on hard drive. Along with creating sparse file user can choose if file he want to create is unformatted or not. This can be later changed after connecting to that drive with read and write access rights and formatting it to different file system.

iFlyDisk is basically a virtualized disk mapping software that can work over the network. Thanks to its capabilities, it can map disks (or even RAID arrays) to a computer where source disk is a disk (or image file) from another computer that is on the same network. Such mounted disk appears for system as a local disk. That is very beneficial since then we can make use of it in any way we want – format, partition, or even export it further.

To learn more about iFlyDisk, please visit:



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