SuperSAN Online Help
iSCSI Target Management
Target Settings KernSafe Storage Center

Click Targets on the left navation panel, then click on che checkbox of one target, then click the Properties button, then Target Settings dialog popup up.


Input target name if want to change.

User can change the target's Authorization method, if you want to know more about this, please refer to the topic Authorization Mechanism.

Concurrent Access. concurrent access of multi-clients may lead to the data corruption. But when your storage server is running in the environment of cluster, the function of concurrent writing of multi-users is needed and the writing synchronization control is realized by cluster software. Thus, you only need to enable this feature.

If you check “Report Readonly”, the device will show as a read-only device when when initiator can't get write access.

2. Portal and Portal V6

When you check "Inherit form global settings", the portal settings will follow the global settings of KernSafe iSCSI SAN, otherwise, you can have your own portal address for this target.

3. Cache

Check "Enable cache on this target" if you want to speed up the target's read and write rate.

Cache size in MBs, specify Cache size, the minimum size is 64 MB.
Cache refresh interval ms, specify Cache refresh time in millisecond.
Cache Granularity, should be set to file system cluster size to get maximum performance.

6. PM-Cache

Check "Enable SSD/PM cache on this target" if you want to speed up the target's read and write by using SSD or persistent memory (like OptaneDC).

Cache size in MBs, specify Cache size, the minimum size is 64 MB.
Cache refresh interval ms, specify Cache refresh time in millisecond.
Cache Granularity, should be set to file system cluster size to get maximum performance.
Cache Type, Cache could be Read Cache in most time, if you are using Persistent Memory as persistent cache, you may use it as part of storage, to set as Write Buffer or Persistent Cache.
SSD/PM Path, select the file system path of SSD or persistent memory for saving cache data.
Please note that "target re-enable" is required to take affect.

4. Virtual Write

If a initiator has the COW Protection permission, the settings in this page will be available for the initiator.

Check Enable Virtual Write to enable virtual write on this target or un-check it indicate the target do not use virtual write feature.

Press the Browse button to find a path as the client write data work folder and then specify the size of the files.

There are two modes that can be selected:

Reset when log out,  the target will reset all changes after initiators log out;
Persistent, target will save all changes for each initiators with Virtual Write access mode.



  • NAME