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V2.20 Failover Initial Sync Extreamly Slow

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:29 am
by tancaptim
I have two Ultimate Edition iStorage Servers (one on Windows 2008 and another on Windows 2008 R2). Before setting up the mirror device I verified both iSCSI targets could be seen and transfer data to the other server at decent rates (> 60 MB/s). When I go back and setup the targets for failover (one target has existing data that I do need synced to the other), the synchronization process starts but moves extreamly slowly (less than 1 MB/s most of the time). Is there something I can do to try to fix this?


Re: V2.20 Failover Initial Sync Extreamly Slow

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:05 am
by Olivia (staff)
What is the medium (image file, partition or physical disk etc) did you use to create iSCSI target?
If you used physical device, you should enable the "Exclusive Access" option while creating target.

Re: V2.20 Failover Initial Sync Extreamly Slow

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:21 am
by tancaptim
I'm using image files (standard format) with multiple initiator access enabled.

Re: V2.20 Failover Initial Sync Extreamly Slow

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:25 pm
by bobcat7677
Try the new 2.36 beta. We were also having severe performance issues on Server 2008R2 and this version seems to have fixed those issues.