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iSCSI wont work across paravirtualized adapters

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:58 am
by bobcat7677
Running Virtualbox 4.2. iSCSI server on one VM, client on another VM. When using paravirtualized adapters in the guests, can't connect from one to the other via iSCSI. Can use those adapters to connect and be connected to from other hosts. Should that work? Problem with the virtual network maybe?

On the same problem, but different approach. What are the recommended settings for TCP/UDP/Large Packet offloading, especially in virtualized environments?

Re: iSCSI wont work across paravirtualized adapters

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:25 am
by Olivia (staff)

For iStorage Server, there is almost no difference between physical machine and virtual machinese.
What guest OS are you running? I asked this because some of OS doesn't support paravirtulized adapters, did you check the if network connection between the two VMs has no problems?

Re: iSCSI wont work across paravirtualized adapters

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:16 am
by bobcat7677
The guest OS is Windows Server 2008R2 and I did install the appropriate drivers for the Paravirtualized adapter (would not even recognize it otherwise). I do think it's some sort of issue of how kernsafe is communicating over the virtual network since I can use the same connection to copy files via SMB file sharing from server to server at good speeds.