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Mirror device problems

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:23 am
by kstiles2177
2x HP DL320s storage servers
2x NICs each; one on registered network, one on private network
OS is Windows 2008 x64 R2, bound to same domain
Firewall ports are open and servers are able to form "normal" iSCSI connections to each other on both networks
Latest version iStorage Server (downloaded yesterday)
Registered "Standard" licenses for both servers.

When setting up a mirror connection using one local drive image and one iSCSI pointed to the other server I get the following error at the end of the process:

iStorage Server has encountered an error ffffffff, while creating target!

After the creation fails, the originating server does not clean up its connections to the remote server and it requires a reboot of the originating server to clear them (under the target on the remote machine the connection doesn't go away until the originating server is rebooted). Kicking the connection by deleting the connection does clear it, but then the originating server cannot reconnect even to a different target.

During the creation process I can connect to the remote iSCSI, it goes through the sync process, authentication parameters, etc then bombs in the final steps of the process. I can create normal targets without issues and connect to them. Same error regardless of which server I try to build the mirror on or what type of authentication I use for the iSCSI connection to the remote server. I had this running successfully during experiment phase 2 months ago, but was running on 2003 R2 at that point.

Any ideas? Is this a Server 2008 oddity? Did I miss something required to make this function?

Re: Mirror device problems

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:25 pm
by kstiles2177
I reloaded the servers with 2003 x64 R2 and was able to create a raid device with no problems. Did I miss something on the 2008 server setup that was stopping the creation?

Re: Mirror device problems

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:34 pm
by Olivia (staff)
I've tested and found the problem, it is an issue in the iStorage Server Management Console, we are now doing a minor upgrade, and we will fix this problem in this upgrade.
We plan to release new version before the end of next week.

Re: Mirror device problems

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:32 am
by Olivia (staff)
The problem is resovled and new version 1.60 is ready for download, download link: