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Multiple Connections / Licensing

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:25 pm
I have three questions that are sort of a mix between technical and Licensing.

1) There is a checkbox in the target setup- Report as readonly device when initiator cannot get write access. So, wiil the following work on the Personal version?
First intiator connects and is doing full read/write actions on the file. Second initiator connects (while the first is still connected) and copies the file contents to another device.

2) Since the free (thank you :) version documentation says-- only 1 initiator per target/LUN, then the above will require the Personal version. True?

3) If I purchase the Personal version and later need the Standard version for mirroring, do I get credit for the $99 already paid?

Thanks, Ed

Re: Multiple Connections / Licensing

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:09 am
by Olivia (staff)
Hello Ed,

Thank you for your interest, here are my answers:
1, Report read-only is used for reporting the device is read only to system if iSCSI initiator have no write access, without this option, OS will take the device as an broken device, and report some errors (i.e. system event log), this feature is available in every licenses of iStorage Server.
As you mentioned, however, iSCSI itself doesn't support concurrent file sharing, you need to run under distributed file system, SAN FS, Cluster / CSV etc.
2, Yes, Free license doesn’t support more than one initiators connect to the same one target.
3, We support license upgrading method, update from Personal to Standard will be 219.95$.


Re: Multiple Connections / Licensing

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:53 am
Hi Olivia,
Thank you for the quick response to my questions.
I did think of one more question ...
The "Standard" license supports mirroring. If I wish to mirror my main target to an iSCSI target hosted on a separate machine, do I then need a second license to run iStorage on the mirror machine?
Thanks, Ed

Re: Multiple Connections / Licensing

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:48 am
by Olivia (staff)
Hi Ed,
You may or may not.
Since our product license is per server, you need to buy each license for each server, but for your second server, if you don't want it to support other iSCSI service, you can just use free license to save your budget.
