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Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:04 pm
by nine
Hello, I am not able to add any IP addresses in the discovery tab. Is this a compatibility issue or am I missing a setting?

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:58 pm
by Olivia (staff)
There might be some reasons in kernel mode driver, please first check if the kernel module is loaded correctly, run the following command and try:
sudo kextutil -v 6 /System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt.kext

If the problem persists, please send us the output of the above command.

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:28 pm
by nine
Here is the output:
Kext user-space log filter changed from 0xff2 to 0xfff.
Kext kernel-space log filter changed from 0xff2 to 0xfff.
Kext library architecture set to x86_64.
Can't stat /AppleInternal - No such file or directory.
Defaulting to kernel file '/System/Library/Kernels/kernel'
Kext library recording diagnostics for: validation authentication dependencies warnings.
Reading loaded kext info from kernel.
(kernel) User-space log flags changed from 0x0 to 0xfff.
(kernel) Received 'Get Loaded Kext Info' request from user space.
(kernel) Returning loaded kext info.
Loaded kext info:

/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/3CF654F0-D466-44F3-98F1-D33FABB80B2E.kext does not appear in strict exception list for architecture: x86_64
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
Kext with invalid signature (-67007) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/3CF654F0-D466-44F3-98F1-D33FABB80B2E.kext
Bundle (/Library/Extensions/AX88179_178A.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/3CF654F0-D466-44F3-98F1-D33FABB80B2E.kext
Unable to stage kext (/Library/Extensions/AX88179_178A.kext) to secure location.
/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/03FB931A-5345-4F39-AE1B-987D6E929872.kext does not appear in strict exception list for architecture: x86_64
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
Kext with invalid signature (-67007) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/03FB931A-5345-4F39-AE1B-987D6E929872.kext
Bundle (/Library/Extensions/globalSAN.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/03FB931A-5345-4F39-AE1B-987D6E929872.kext
Unable to stage kext (/Library/Extensions/globalSAN.kext) to secure location.
/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/C81C09AF-053F-4E86-B1CC-151582DF94ED.kext does not appear in strict exception list for architecture: x86_64
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
Kext with invalid signature (-67007) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/C81C09AF-053F-4E86-B1CC-151582DF94ED.kext
Bundle (/Library/Extensions/Xtarget.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/C81C09AF-053F-4E86-B1CC-151582DF94ED.kext
Unable to stage kext (/Library/Extensions/Xtarget.kext) to secure location.
/Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/24123035-AF16-4611-BED8-95281E137C7A.kext does not appear in strict exception list for architecture: x86_64
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
Kext with invalid signature (-67007) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/24123035-AF16-4611-BED8-95281E137C7A.kext
Bundle (/Library/Extensions/SNSArchitectureModel.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/24123035-AF16-4611-BED8-95281E137C7A.kext
Unable to stage kext (/Library/Extensions/SNSArchitectureModel.kext) to secure location.
Reading loaded kext info from kernel.
(kernel) User-space log flags changed from 0x0 to 0xfff.
(kernel) Received 'Get Loaded Kext Info' request from user space.
(kernel) Returning loaded kext info.
Loaded kext info:

Kext rejected due to system policy: <OSKext 0x7fc587c15a80 [0x7fffa6fab8f0]> { URL = "file:///Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt.kext/", ID = "com.kernsafe.driver.kscsiprt" }
Kext rejected due to system policy: <OSKext 0x7fc587c15a80 [0x7fffa6fab8f0]> { URL = "file:///Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt.kext/", ID = "com.kernsafe.driver.kscsiprt" }
Diagnostics for /System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt.kext:

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:46 am
by Olivia (staff)
Seems the kernel mode driver not started due to system cache previous version kext, try the following steps:
sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt.kext /System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt2.kext
sudo kextutil -v 6 /System/Library/Extensions/KScsiPrt2.kext

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:41 am
by nine
I got the same result.

I did some further digging and after going into system preferences it looks like the OS was blocking some part of the app from running in the security tab. Not sure why the OS didn't notify me, but after I allowed it in the security tab everything started working.

I'm able to add a host, connect and login successfully.

I am able to read, but for some reason not able to write files.

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:43 pm
by Olivia (staff)
About not not writable issue, what file system did you format the iSCSI disk to? If you share the iSCSI disk that formatted by other OS, the file system may not be fully supported by Mac OS X.

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:52 am
by nine
That makes sense. I believe the file format is causing the write issue. Thanks for your assistance!

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:19 am
by Atkinson
Hi Olivia, do you expect new Mac versions to cause this issue?

Re: Add button not working OSX 10.14.3 iSCSI initiator X version 3.00

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:35 am
by Birdwaves
What specific items did you have to turn on in Privacy settings. I have the same issue, and I've turned on everything I could find...